Music, Dancing and Broken Necks

I was never really fan of going to a club for partying. IT definitely isnā€™t the fact that there are a lot of drunkards running around. I am always one of them when Iā€™m actually going to the club. No, rather itā€™s the fact that I donā€™t really like the type of music they play in the club. Itā€™s loud and annoying and just not my type of music. However, what other people get out of partying in the club, I get visiting concerts.

My first ever show I went to was in 2015. It was Rise Against. They introduced me to Punk Rock, Hardcore and Metal, goddamn, I fucking love that bandā€¦ Anyway, I was hooked from that day on and always searching for the next concert of the bands I listen to near my hometown. Every time the opportunity presented itself I bought tickets to a show and went there.

Fast forward to now and I searched for concerts in Japan, but couldnā€™t find any for the bands I listen to. Apparently none of them come to Japan or even Asia in general. So I scrapped the idea of going to a concert. That was until I found out that a fellow exchange student here in my dorm listens to the same genre of music as I do. We started talking about the bands we listen to, the concerts we went to and our own music.

Unlike me, he knew a lot of Japanese Hardcore and Metal bands and instantly started searching for shows in Tokyo. After a few weeks he gave me a list with a bunch of bands a more then a dozen shows that are in Tokyo before we both leave. Bless his soul for all that work. There was a festival upcoming with a bunch of known bands playing, so we decided to buy tickets and go to that show. It was the True North Festival, organized by the headliner of that festival ā€˜Crystal Lakeā€™. The other bands included ā€˜Noisemakerā€™, ā€˜Before My Life Failsā€™, ā€˜The Last Novemberā€™ and others.

The shows were an absolute blast and I really enjoyed listening to all these different bands. I barely knew any of their songs, but I discovered some pretty fresh bands that day. I listened to nearly all bands that day, but was mostly just standing in the back of the venue and nodding my head along with the music. That was until Crystal Lake came on. I was standing in the front amidst all the other people. We had everything that night: moshpits, a wall of death, crowdsurfers and a failed circle pit. The crowd surfers were just throwing themselves into the crowd and kicking and screaming while they were thrown to the front. Maybe a dozen of people randomly fell on me or kicked me in my head. My neck has never hurt more than after that night. Holy Shit. But it was worth it. That show was fucking amazing and I canā€™t wait to go to more concerts here.

The Beer Restaurant

If you ever crave German food and you are in Japan, just give up. Especially if none of the staff or the customers are Germans. I missed some good Roast Pork, so I went to visit a German restaurant. They had a lot of sausages and beer in the menu, as one would expect from a German restaurant. I ordered the roast pork with some sauerkraut. First they brought the sauerkraut. That stuff was nothing like actual sauerkraut. It tasted watery and as if someone cooked some cabbage and threw some vinegar inside it so it tastes a little bit sour. That stuff was disgusting. But I still had the roast pork, so that should be fine, right? Wrong, I got the saddest plate of food, I have ever seen in my fucking life.


I mean, LOOK AT IT. What is that?!?! First of all, my plate is half empty. The potato pieces there donā€™t even total one whole potato. And there is no sauce either. Fuck that mustard on my plate, where is my sauce?! I also donā€™t know why there is a small slice of lemon on my plate. Needless to say, I left that restaurant still being hungry and disappointed. So I did what every rational adult would do and got myself a second dinner from Burger King with a burger, fries and a fucking green melon Fantaā€¦
