Being a Lazy Slob in Tokyo

This week was the epitome of my laziness in my two months here in Japan. I did exactly nothing interesting. I went to university, visited my courses, did my homework, went back home and watched YouTube, Animes and played video games. The whole fucking week. Damnā€¦

The main reason why that happened, was just my laziness of not properly planning what I want to do during my free time. Instead of looking at one of those ā€˜Top 10 Things You Have To Do in Tokyo And Please Like, Comment, Subscribe, Share And Donā€™t Forget To Turn On the Notificationsā€™ videos like a normal person, I just sat at home and contemplated my life.

Now, I donā€™t want to talk bad about taking time for yourself, doing nothing and just relaxing. However, in my case it was more of a ā€˜letā€™s sleep two more hours and then eat instant ramen for lunchā€™ type of mood for multiple days. To prevent that shit to happen again, I decided to pre-plan a few trips and then, in case I have a free day, just pick a destination and go. I have a few places and activities roughly planned out and now only have to flesh them out a little. Iā€™m gonna do that in the course of the next week and present them here next week. Hah, see what I did there, I set myself a deadline and even put it online for everyone to see. I can either deliver now or be a fucking disgrace and live in shame for the rest of my life.

Being Noisy in Tokyo

Aka Jamming session. I went to a practice space near my dorm with another dorm mate this week. It was the same guy I went to the concert with last week. We looked up some practice spaces here in Tokyo and were both astonished by the fact that they are, firstly, widespread and at nearly every corner of the city and, secondly, dirt fucking cheap. You can rent a practice room with amps, a drum kit and a soundboard for about 1000 Yen (10 bucks) an hour. If you donā€™t have an instrument, like me, you can just rent one for like 100 or 200 Yen (10 to 20 cents). Everything in Tokyo is damn expensive, but somehow these practice rooms are affordable. I donā€™t know why, but I love it.

Anyway, we rented a room there and just blasted music for two hours straight. We plugged our phones into the sound system and just played music from there and then he sang/screamed the text and I played over it with my bass. I had so much fun just playing bass again and doing music with another person. I loved it. And we are definitely going to do that again soon. However, next time we are going to try out another practice room. Iā€™m already stoked for that.

Training to become The Flash

One of my goals during my stay in Tokyo was to start running. My goal was to run at least every second day. Well, as you can imagine that didnā€™t quite go as planned. However, I still managed to run on average more than twice a week. My last run was about 6.8 km in 40 minutes. I donā€™t really have a target time I want to reach, but rather I just want to be able to run longer distances. My goal for next year is to participate in a half-marathon (21 km). I donā€™t think I am actually gonna reach that distance during my stay in Japan, however, I am still gonna try to come as close to that I as I can. You gotta have high ambitions in your life in order to actually achieve anything and my laziness streak in life was long enough. Time to get some shit done.

And because I literally donā€™t have any pictures for this weeks blog post, here is a picture of the legendary ā€˜Spirit of the Quarkiā€™.


Thank you for reading and see you next week :)