This week was a bit slower and there is not that much to write about here. So after last weeks super post, this weeks blog post is going to be a bit shorter.

Survive Said the Prophet

No that title is not one of my usual weird and incoherent titles that tries to explain the text below it in just a few words and that only I can decipher. It’s actually the name of the band. ‘Survive Said the Prophet’ is a Japanese rock band. And they music is fucking fantastic. I love it. It’s kinda Hardcore, has a good balance of clean vocals and screams and tasty bass lines. Nothing more I want from music.

My third and final concert in Japan was with them and another band. And this concert was by far the best from the three. Mainly because I actually knew the lyrics to their songs and could sing along. It was great.

The other band, ‘04 Limited Sazabys’, sounded pretty solid and I can acknowledge their musical skill. However, I personally didn’t like their music, just not my kind of music.

The best fucking Dude in existence

Last week a friend of mine came to Japan to travel around here with his girlfriend. Maybe friend is the wrong word. Let’s rather call him the best fucking Bro I have. Yeah, I guess that’s a good description. You know, your ‘normal friends’ write you from time to time, they ask you how you are and what you are doing and than forget that you exist. Well, this guy decided to fly around half the earth just to visit me. That’s what I call commitment.

We strolled around Tokyo together, went sightseeing, complained about life and roasted the hell out of each other. I really missed that, just verbally throwing shit at each other and laughing about each other and ourselves. Also seeing that people actually miss you, and I don’t mean just hearing people say it over phone or writing it, but actually seeing it in their faces. That felt great.

Now there are only 19 weeks left until I go back. That’s approximately the halfway point of my semester abroad. To be honest, I can’t wait to go back and see all my friends again. At the same time, I still have a lot on my bucket-list for Japan and so I’m equally excited to get as much of that done as possible. Let’s see how the second half of my stay goes.

Thank you for reading and see you next week :)