Aight, it has been a while since my last recap post and I think it’s time to start it again! In addition to the weekly focus posts, I also started to write down my monthly focus points with more broad goals. Also, I wanted to impose some rules to the usage of my phone and computer for entertainment or time wasting purposes. I go through all the things here in this post, so here we go! 😁

Wasting Away Behind a Screen

First of all, I want to start setting some phone free zones for myself. I’ll try not to take my phone with me to the toilette or bed. Somehow, these toilette sessions take exponentially more time with a phone present, and more often than not it is not because of a bad diet 🤔

Tying into this, I want to have a ~30 minute period before going to bed without being at my computer or at my phone. This also excludes listening to music during that time frame. I think some peace and quiet before sleeping will improve the quality of my sleep. I might do some reading, draw something, meditate, or go for a nightly walk around the block.

On my days off work, I also want to stay away from YouTube, Twitch, and any other kind of time sink before afternoon. I’m getting to my exam period in university and also I’m getting towards the end of my thesis, which involves a lot of writing in my case. I’ve noticed over the years that in this time period I tend to waste the first half of the day by mindlessly watching videos, and then, I declare the rest of the day free, because it doesn’t make sense to start doing something productive at 5 or 6pm. Recently I noticed that whenever I start my day with YouTube, I tend to not get anything done and it gets harder and harder to get away from the screen and do something, the longer I sit there. I want to start living my life and not waste it away behind a screen, so I will start my day accordingly.

Monthly Recap

Recap of Month 1

My main focus for this month was to practice bass again on a regular basis and to do some kind of sport every day. I’m still trying to figure out, how I can structure my bass practice in a way that it is fun, and at the same time challenging. Still, I think that daily practice is important to keep developing my musical skill. Even if I don’t improve at any given day, I’ll at least don’t lose much progress.

As for the sport, I stopped putting a target number of days on specific activities like yoga or running. Instead I want to just focus on doing sport, mainly endurance training, on a regular basis. I’m going to kendo twice a week already, and I also started playing volleyball on a weekly basis with some friends. On the other days I will just do whatever I feel like doing, may it be running, cycling, yoga, or anything else.

Lastly, I wanted to meditate for at least 5 minutes every day. I started to meditate directly after going for a run, but on any other day, it just seems so daunting to just sit down and meditate. And then it gets too late and I’m already too tired to meditate. Oh well…

  • Music practice bass regularly again
  • Sport do some sport activity every day
  • Meditation meditate on a daily basis for at least 5 minutes

Focus of Month 2

I want to continue my focus points from this month in the next month. In addition, I want to put at least 2 hours into my thesis and 2 hours into learning for my exam on any non-work day. I want to get finished with my degree, so I never have to set foot into a university again…

  • Music practice bass regularly again and learn 4 new songs (1 for each week)
  • Sport do some sport activity every day
  • Meditation meditate on a daily basis for at least 5 minutes
  • University put at least 2 hours work into my thesis + 2 hours into learning for my last exam


Damn, this got longer than I expected… Noice 😬